Psalm of Blessed Obedience

You are the One who

blesses my little pot

into a stream of oil.

Blessed is the one who

trusts the Word of the One who

lifts up the humble

and fills up the hungry.

You are Life-Giver,

Earth-Shaker, Spring-Source,

Heaper up of the mountains and

Breaker of barbed wire.

My anchor holds in You

who stood against Satan in the desert,

the Word who speaks a word

and demons tremble.

I heard Your voice, saw

the burning bush and You,

as you always do,

blessed my barefoot step.

Praise the One who parted the sea

into towering walls of power,

who called out to the dead man,

"Come Out!" and he came...

But also, praise the One

who took my unbelief

and filled the nets with fish.



