Editing Services

Developmental Editing

Do you have a project that you’ve been too close to for too long? I can read over your piece and offer broad-level feedback on structure, plot, character—whatever big-picture questions you need answered to get your project ready for a larger audience.


Copy editing

For a more detailed look, copy editing clarifies a piece for readability, flow, grammar, spelling, and all the technical bits and bobs. Need to know if your commas are in the right place? Need to trim words or check grammar? I can help!



Proofreading offers a laser-eye focus to eliminate glaring final typos and formatting inconsistencies and get work in its final stages ready for the public eye.

Danae Templeton is an extremely gifted editor; in fact, one of the best I have ever worked with over the last 30 years in publishing. Her high level of professionalism and attention to detail sets her work apart. She is easy to work with, meets deadlines, and approaches her work with excellence. It’s not hard to recommend Danae’s editorial skills. Once you start working with her, you won’t need to look for anyone else! It has been a joy leaning on her expertise over the last three years.  

~Shelly Esser, Editor of Just Between Us Magazine  


I have benefited from the skilled and thorough editing work of Danae Templeton. Her work is meticulous and she works responsibly with needs and deadlines. She is also able to discern the needs and preferences of writers. I am more confident with my manuscripts after Danae has improved them with her editing.

~ Mel Lawrenz, Author


Danae started with us back in 2016. It's been great to have her editorial eye on our articles. We often have comments on how professional our articles are, and that's at least in part a tribute to Danae's skills.

~ Katie Reid, Founder of See Beyond


  • Content Writer, The Gospel Ambition


    Write articles based on podcast episodes.

  • Editorial Assistant, Just Between Us Magazine


    Edit articles for web and each print issue for quarterly publication.

    As an intern in July to August 2019:

    ● Edited around 20 articles for the Winter 2019 issue ● Proofread two iterations of final proofs for the Fall 2019 issue ● Edited articles for use on the website ● Received consumer feedback and offered suggestions for future improvement ● Proofread a book, a collection on marriage titled Marriage That Works

  • Web Editor, See Beyond Coaching and Consulting

    NOVEMBER 2016 – JANUARY 2018 & AUGUST 2019 – PRESENT

    Edit blog posts and newsletters for grammar, fluency, and comprehension.

  • Proofreader, Manomet

    MARCH 2022 - JANUARY 2023

    Proofread survey for partnered dairy farmers and internal policy documents.

  • Editor, Telling the Truth

    JUNE 2022 - DECEMBER 2022

    Reworked and edited old sermon transcripts into multiple series of daily devotionals.

  • Copyeditor, Mel Lawrenz

    OCTOBER 2020 – FEBRUARY 2021

    Partnered with the author for two projects: copyediting the A Better Year book and the devotional Knowing Him for Kids.

  • Web Editor, PurDate

    MAY 2020 - APRIL 2022

    Copyedited website copy before launch. Wrote press release for Fancy Food Show. Edited recipes, marketing copy, and blog posts.

  • Education

    B.A. in English Writing and International Relations from Wheaton College, Magna Cum Laude, May 2022