Six Lists of Four: A College Update
Some new things I did:
Ushered for a Michael W Smith concert featuring the Wheaton Orchestra and Choir
Enjoyed a movie in the company of my friend on the opposite side of the continent
Camped and canoed in the wilds of Minnesota for nine days without a shower
Watched a gloriously large yellow moon rise over Lake Michigan and Chicago
My professors include:
A man with a bow tie who is somewhat small, balding in three places, cares deeply about his students’ thoughts and engagement and improvement, and is infectiously excited about literature.
A philosopher with bright eyes and an entertaining but sometimes frustrating easygoing manner who turns every class into a long discussion on unanswerable theological questions.
A man with thin lips and this funny tiny smile and glint of the eyes over his glasses when he makes a joke he thinks is funny, who pronounces his French impeccably and encourages his class’s valiant attempts at following suit.
The one who takes a moment to seriously consider his answers to class questions before giving any sort of response, who often brings up film or pop culture or personal examples in class to help us understand international politics.
Culture Shock:
Everyone is on time or early, all the time. This is new, and I don’t think I like it. It makes life feel like a machine.
Grocery stores are so far away. It is an hour’s walk to the nearest Aldi. Where are the hanuts and hrathars? Every country should have those!
Yards and windows are open. There are no walls, so you can see right in. In the suburbs, some people apparently don’t even lock things.
It is difficult to form new friendships in a context where it feels like everyone holds each other at arm’s length, and I don’t seem to be getting the social and cultural cues for when it is ok to open up more or invest more in a relationship.
I have learned (or started to learn):
To plan things ahead, to more of an extent than I was used to. Plans have to be made ahead of time, because people’s schedules are full.
Keeping up with my friends and family keeps me happy
To wear leggings under my jeans and gloves all the time outside now that it’s snowed several times and the wind sometimes feels like it will skin my face. Also, over sized sweaters are the best.
My nose gets cold and I might as well get used to it because a nose-muff does not exist
Small joys:
I have so many people who care about me and will give me boots and coats and gloves and earmuffs and wool socks to keep me warm in this frozen climate. I love my people!
Mom sent me a plushy seal to hug when they couldn’t be here for parents’ weekend. It is the best and cutest thing.
Binging Brooklyn Nine Nine and the Good Place and laughing my head off for no reason.
Brand-new books. I was so excited when they arrived that I announced my happiness to everyone I ran into across campus.
New revelations about me:
The more events happening on a given Friday, the less likely I am to go out that same Friday.
Two close friends are getting married in the next year. So it begins.
I came up with a fantastic tattoo idea, and I’m just waiting to have the money and the guts to do it.
I am planning on adding a major. Hopefully, I will be an English and International Relations double major. This will be a lot of work, but I just can’t choose between them.