Abductions, Italians, and Our Foray Into Homeless Living
Lesbos, Memoir Danae Templeton Lesbos, Memoir Danae Templeton

Abductions, Italians, and Our Foray Into Homeless Living

Remember a day when your plan went wrong.

Maybe the kids acted up, the printer broke, or the dog decided that now was a great time to go on the kitchen floor. Whatever it was, imagine that stress sustained for an unrelenting week.

No one can say that I wasn’t warned. I was told that serving here in Lesvos would be hard, I knew that it would drain me, I just didn’t expect it to start before I got here.

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In Defense of the Gap Year
Memoir Danae Templeton Memoir Danae Templeton

In Defense of the Gap Year

“What’s it like, not having homework?”

“So, what do you do every day?”

“Oh, are you still here?”

“I didn’t know you were writing a book! I thought you were sort of waiting around for college. You are still going to college, aren’t you?”

I have been asked endless variants of these questions, and I’m only halfway through my gap year. I know that they weren’t asked with any hostility, animosity, or judgement, but the tone and amount of the questions does weigh on me.

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Lesbos: A Beginning
Lesbos, Memoir Danae Templeton Lesbos, Memoir Danae Templeton

Lesbos: A Beginning

Trying to understand the plan of God for my life seems to be a current theme.

It’s difficult, to say the least, to parse out my own desires from divine intention, or coincidence from sign. Or maybe, just maybe, I was looking at it all wrong. Maybe I have to get to know the God I follow, to align my desires with his, first. Maybe some of those desires were placed on my heart.

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Face the Future
Travel, Memoir Danae Templeton Travel, Memoir Danae Templeton

Face the Future

How to describe what is to come? I stand barefoot on asphalt cooled to freezing by congealed mist, staring into the gray ribbons that twist in penetrating light. I rock forward on my toes, shivering, straining to see more than shoulders of trees and bushes emerge from the swirls. I can’t be the only one to feel this way, as if the thought of plans, of the future, grow an instant cavity in my chest.

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